Bring your parents, children and siblings (family members) to the United States as Green Card Holders
U.S. Immigration law allows specific foreigners who are family members of U.S. Citizens and legal permanent residents to turn into legal permanent residents (make the Green Card) from particular family relationships. If you are the relative, minor person or parent of the U.S. Citizen and lawful permanent resident, you can apply for a green card by filling out an application form with the U.S. Citizenship and immigration services office. We can help you out in this process while you rest assure that we are going through all necessary paperwork before you get your green card.
To petition for your parents (mother or father) to live in the United States as green card holders, you must be a U.S. citizen and at least 21 years old. Green card holders (permanent residents) may not petition to bring parents to live permanently in the United States.
If you are a US Citizen, you may petition:
- Children (unmarried and under 21)
- Unmarried sons and daughters (21 or over) – Your son or daughter’s child(ren) may be included on this petition.
- Married sons and daughters (any age) – Your son or daughter’s spouse and/or child(ren) may be included on this petition.
If you are a permanent resident, you may petition:
- Children (unmarried and under 21) – Your child’s child(ren) may be included on this petition.
- Unmarried sons and daughters (21 or over) – Your son or daughter’s child(ren) may be included on this petition.
To petition to bring your sibling (brother or sister) to live in the United States as a green card holder, you must be a U.S. citizen and at least 21 years of age. Permanent residents may not petition to bring siblings to live permanently in the United States.